When considering the fact that no official information, and very little other information is available about the future Polar Axis Change (PAC) from common sources, we are left to watching those who do have insider information and the preparations they are making for themselves. Are there other possible reasons for their behavior? "When you remove the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth", a quote from Sherlock Holmes. You would think that an event that is having an effect on the whole solar system would be impossible to hide. An event that is affecting the whole world ought to be obvious. It is obvious, but the interpretation of what we are seeing has been loaded up with fantasy and distractions of monumenal proportions in order to keep the world from drawing accurate conclusions. There are 6.8 billion people on our planet and we are in a period just before a likely disaster will occur during the next couple of years . If this were openly known to the world, then a huge amount of material would be required by everyone who believed that some sort of protection must be built or created in order to insure their survival. Huge amounts of food would be purchased and stored away for the uncertain future. All of this would be in competition to governments, corporations, and the elite insiders for available materials and food for survival. So at some time in the past (possibly JFK), the decision was made to keep this a secret and start a program of deception that would sidetrack the general public and discount the information that might leak out. They have been wildly successful. Any clues that would lead anyone to the conclusion that our world is approaching a period of disaster that will forever change all aspects of our lives, has been carefully covered up in many ways; Quite a number of "disaster" movies that involves earthquakes, meteor strikes, volcanoes, etc. have come out in the last few years. They use good, known science along with lots of pure fantasy as well as an interesting story line to entertain the masses. There are elements of truth in all of them but the overall effect is that the viewer comes away with confident knowledge that it is just a movie and couldn't possibly happen in real life.
Another thing these keepers of secrets have going for them is; The normal human condition is to "be biased toward the specific outcomes that we desire". We are not comfortable with considering possible unhappy events in our near future. People don't want to consider or seriously discuss bad news that will affect them personally, as if that will change anything or make it go away. Reality IS whether we like it or not.
The next means of cover-up is to simply block all information about the subject. Government agencies will do as they are told, including, and especially, NASA. Those in the know have, no doubt, been assured that they and their families will have a place in the shelters or safe-zones that the government has prepared. The same thing goes for corporations and affluent individuals; those involved in the hands-on details of construction and other preparations are assured a place in the sun. Silence and future service to their masters in exchange for survival for themselves and their families. It has worked very well so far.
We have distractions galore in our lives. The never-ending dispute between the liberal/progressives versus the conservatives. The current bone in their teeth is the American health-care bill and the "Tea-Party" protesters. Global Warming - how is that for a diversion out of pure fantasy and bad science? Al Gore has made million$ out of it and won a Nobel Peace Prize. He had insider information and still got it wrong. There are millions of people who concentrate on sports and other non-essential trivia while ignoring the fact that the world is falling apart around us. The threats imposed by Iran, North Korea, Chinese debt, Japanese debt, our government printing money like crazy while on an unprecidented spending orgy. All of these things are important to somebody, but not as important as the impending Polar Axis Shift which will wipe out a huge percentage of the world's population. So where are all of the hot-shot investigative reporters in the news. I don't delude myself into thinking that I can figure all of this out, but nobody in the news media can't. In this age of instant communication through computers, there are people who monitor key words and subject matter who react to suppress information that comes out in the news. Even Glenn Beck started a segment on the FEMA camps but immediately announced that "he debunked the idea". The 600+ camps are still there along with several empty prisons. I wonder what he was offered or threatened with?
After a discussion with an aquaintance in New Zealand I would like to expound on what could specifically happen to these two countries in the coming difficult times. When considering the fact that the Polar Axis could possibly move in any of 360 degrees, I must explain why I believe that it will be one of only two general directions; Either in the direction of Siberia (& southwest Australia for the south pole) or toward Nova Scotia (& Argentina for the south pole) by 20 degrees. 20 degrees is the minimum distance that has been known to occur in the past. It could be more but probably not less. Those of us who believe in God's Word, the Bible, know that in the last days the state of Israel will still exist. If the polar axis moved directly toward Israel, the equator would also move south by the same amount which would empty out a lot of the Mediterranean Sea. The slosh would cause some damage but it would be survivable. If the polar axis moved away from Israel, the equator would move north and raise the level of the Med. which would put a large portion of Israel under water. The last polar axis shift is described in the Bible as a time when the sun and moon stopped in the sky for almost a whole day. This is substantiated by ancient Chinese historical records and histories from other ancient cultures like the Sumerians, Mayans, etc. There was no account of great accompanying earthquakes and volcanoes, although the Avellino eruption of Mount Vesuvius is believed to have occurred close to that time priod. One must conclude that Israel was close to north of the pivot point of the last polar axis shift. That is where the two opposite points of the old equatorial line remained stationary while the rest of the earth moved to its new points of equalibrium. There would be little to no serious damage at these points and little damage up to 40 degrees to the north and south of these points, which would include Israel's location in the past and possibly in the near future.
The U.S. government obviously believed that the polar axis is going to shift toward Siberia. That would put the equator somewhere between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. To demonstrate their belief they had a map of the U.S.A. showing hundreds of square miles of American coastlines under water with a waterway that divided our country in the middle clear up to Canada. The result of this belief is that thousands of Navy families retired in the Ozark mountains from fear of rising water levels on our coasts. The effect to Australia would be terrific damage on the north coast and permanent water levels of at least 50 meters higher (a very rough estimate - the water levels between the equator and the Bounty Islands, NZ changes about 3.5 meters per degree of latitude) than present levels. In New Zealand, a wall of water would hit the north shores. The north island would shade the impact to south island, especially the southeast side. Keep in mind that these super-tsunamis have a huge wrap-around effect as they pass by any island. The temperature and weather afterwards would be aproximately what Fiji has now - definitely warmer.
There is much evidence for the belief that the polar axis will shift in the direction of the U.S. If you plot the last three polar axis shifts, a pattern evolves that shows that if the next shift continues in this pattern, the new geographic north pole will be about 20 degrees north of Newfoundland, Canada. That would put the south pole about 20 degrees closer to the southwest tip of Australia. The new equatorial line would pass close to Hong Kong, China and on the other side of the world, through Bolivia in South America. The damage to southeast Asia will be immense. The equitorial bulge of water at the equator is about 500 feet (150+ meters) above mean sea level as measured at Cornwall, England. This is equivalent to the Auckland Islands south of NZ in the southern hemisphere (also 50 degrees from the equator like Cornwall). When the earth moves to a new point of equalibrium, that bulge of water is going to move north on one side of the earth and south on the other side of the earth and keep sloshing around for about a month until it settles down. This will be accompanied by very high winds (estimated at 200 MPH (125 KPH in some places) that will also eventually subside into new weather patterns. Ocean currents should take longer to evolve into new patterns of movement. In this scenario the damage to Australia and New Zealand will be very minimal. Long term - the weather will be permanently colder. The south pole will be about 10 to 15 degrees closer to Obar on Stewart Island (degrees of latitude are always 222 KM per degree).
In support of this scenario, a lot of governments, corporations, and affluent individuals have demonstrated their insider information by the places they have chosen to create safe havens for themselves, their families, and those who will serve them in the future. There is an area of higher elevation in New Zealand where the British and Spanish royal families have purchased farms through trusts to establish survival enclaves. Bill Gates of Microsoft Corp. is in that area also. Rumors have it that George Bush & Company bought a couple of hundred thousand acres in one of the highland areas of South America. I've heard of similar properties being purchased by foreign interests in Australia also. I'm sure that as this blog aquires more readers and comments, we will learn of more details about this from many places. One last thing: As stated, Russia is building a huge underground complex in the Ural mountain. They are also actively exploring the dividing line between shallow coastal waters in the arctic ocean and deep water to claim as much "sovereign territory" as possible beyond the international 11 mile limit. Why would they be doing that if they thought the new north pole location will be on land in Siberia? Obviously Russia's scientists also believe the geographic north pole will move in the direction of the USA. So the evidence mounts that this impending polar axis shift is not so hypothetical at all. Governments, corporations, and individuals are spending money for the same things all over the world. Their money is being spent on survival, pure and simple. The lesson here is to start (belatedly) looking after yourself while there is still time , available materials, and food to purchase & store.
Friday, March 19, 2010
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